Thursday, October 21, 2010

On Being Grateful

Earlier this week I scanned some photos taken in Vietnam by one of our cast members in the 1970s.  After I scanned the image, I spent some time on digital imaging to make it look a little better.  Within an hour, I had about 20 images scanned, cropped and edited.  As I closed Photoshop, I smiled and thought to myself, "Wow, I am so glad I studied graphic design and photography.  This could have taken a lot longer to accomplish otherwise."

There are moments like that throughout each week, where I do something quickly and almost effortlessly.  It has become such a wonderful feeling to be in familiar territory!  After the task is complete, I pause with gratitude and delight in actually knowing how to do something well.  It's a private moment, but one I relish because I've lived in such chaotic space for so long trying to figure out new things for Abandoned Allies.

Oh, how jealous I am of students studying film in school!  The lessons I'm learning daily while making Abandoned Allies are priceless, but it certainly would have been grand to know how to swim before jumping in the deep end as I did so willingly in 2008.

That's the thing, though.  You don't know how to swim without getting in the water, right?  (Surely there's a country song about that, or I'm quoting some piece of literature without realizing it.) 

The truth is, quite honestly, that making this film is one of the most challenging, rewarding and frustrating things I've ever tried to do in my entire life.  But if I can finish this one, then I can make the next one better.  And the next one better.  And the next one better.

This week, alone, has been incredibly productive.  For that I am also grateful.  Perhaps I'll save the rest of the list for a Thanksgiving blog post.  After all, it's right around the corner!


Anand Rathore said...

Oh, how jealous I am of students studying film in school! The lessons I'm learning daily while making Abandoned Allies are priceless

Nothing comes for free... you have paid price for what you are today... you have learned everything by your hard work and your talent...this is called real entrepreneurship.. i feel proud to know someone like you.. going film school for learning and learning by your own is two different things... learning by own is really priceless.. rewarding .. its real learning .. salute to your entrepreneurship lady...

Camden Watts said...

Thanks for the constant encouragement, Anand! I'm so grateful for it. Just imagine how much easier the next film will be when we start working on it!

Anand Rathore said...

In India we say NO SORRY and No THANK YOU in formalities. formalities are for outside people.. not for friends... anyways.. one day you are gonna be a great filmmaker. My friend Swamy In VA is waiting to watch Abandoned Allies. don't forget to invite me..hahaha .. have a nice day...