Saturday, August 28, 2010

Conversations About the Film

Conversations about the Vietnam War and our film happen often for me these days.  I believe in the power of conversations. They can be positive or exploratory, the first step in taking action, and they can often bring resolution.  Conversations, I believe, are incredibly important because they shape our opinions, beliefs, and even our society.  The very simple act of conversation has led to so many great things for this film, so I have seen its power firsthand.

When I get the chance to engage in conversation about Abandoned Allies, I do my best to respect such an incredible opportunity.  I'm not always on target, though; sometimes I am really tired, or frustrated with how long it's taking to finish the film.  But for the most part, I feel that each time someone opens the door to talk about the film, it's an opportunity to watch something magical unfold.

Conversations about the film have led to new discoveries such as materials to include in the film, people that have answers to technical questions I need, talented volunteers to join our crew, or a connection to someone that can help us share the film with broader audiences.  I believe in the power of a few passionate, united people to make positive change happen.  And I believe that starts with conversations like the ones I'm having these days.

It gives me goosebumps.  Why should I doubt the power of our little indie film?  Isn't the Margaret Meade quote one of my favorites?  "A small group of thoughtful people could change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."  Our bootstrapped indie film can do great things, and I genuinely believe that.

We have a message to share with my fellow American citizens.  A positive one.  One that is open-ended, with an opportunity to make change happen.  There's this group of people--our loyal allies--and they did great things for our people in their country.  They deserve recognition, gratitude, and more than just the lip service.  The country they live in today is mistreating them because they served with us, are trying to speak up, or because they subscribe to a certain religion.  It is possible that change can happen, and it is possible that our government officials might hear this call.

It's possible.  It starts with conversations that lead to action.

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