Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Few Updates

The past week has been a tough one. I find it hard to write when I don't have much positive to express, so I typically write privately. It's something I have been doing for years. But the tough times teach us lessons as well, and I think carrying on, or writing anyway, is important.

Last Saturday, I finally caved and went to the doctor to figure out why I was coughing so much. As it turns out, I have bronchitis. Since then, I have been a bit angry about being sick so much. For a while I tried to push through it. Then on Monday, I called in sick and have been in bed almost every moment since then. Today was the first day I have been back to work. And not a moment has gone by that I haven't appreciated our sick leave policy. I ended up working only a half day today, and am thankful I have the opportunity to rest and coworkers who support me there.

Tomorrow, I leave for South Carolina for a funeral service. My grandfather's sister passed away this week, and I have been very sad about that. She was quite an impressive woman, and will be missed so much.

In news related to the Montagnard film, though, I am quite pleased to announce that the final interview has been scheduled. I've booked my flight, and will be heading to MN this month. With that interview finalized, I can then pour myself wholeheartedly into creating a director's cut. I cannot express how excited I am about this, as I feel as if I have been waiting so long to make that happen!

It is all coming together.


Brian said...

I'm sorry to hear about your great aunt. I'm thinking of you. Much love.

Monte Johnston said...

Thanks for taking the time to write and share even the negative stuff. All good stories include that stuff too, right?

Take care of yourself!

MBPM said...

led here by a Tweet. Sorry to read about your loss. Your doc sounds interesting and ambitious. good stuff. wishing you the best